Friday Farm Update - A Farewell to Tom

Friday Farm Update - A Farewell to Tom

We were saddened to learn that Tom Sanders, a longtime fixture at our Dundee farm, passed away last week in Elgin. Tom rolled up on his Honda motorcycle back in the spring of 2015 when we first started leasing the Forest Preserve land, and never really left.  He helped us build fences, seed pastures, mow hayfields, and during the summers was a constant presence around the big red dairy barn, trimming, mowing, sweeping, and in general keeping it tidy and organized for us. 
Tom's family had a dairy farm in upstate New York, where he visited in the summers when he was young. I think he enjoyed hanging around our farm as it brought back those childhood memories.  Many times over the years I offered to put him on payroll, but he always refused because then he would have to do what we needed him to do, and not what he wanted to do. Instead of pay, we would send him home with some raw milk and food, usually a package of the bone-in pork chops which were his favorite meal. 
We didn't see him much this summer, but he was very private about his medical issues and didn't give us much of an indication of what was going on. He was 80 years old and a lifelong bachelor. Rest in peace Motorcycle Tom, we will miss you around the farm.  
We processed our last batch of broiler chickens for the season on Wednesday, so there will be fresh chickens in the store through Sunday evening.  After that everything will be frozen until we start processing again in early June of next year. We will take some of these chickens and put them into parts over the next several weeks but they will be frozen.  
We also learned yesterday of a change in our turkey processing schedule. Originally we had our first Thanksgiving turkeys going into the processor on Monday, November 11th, then having them back in the store on Tuesday 12th around noon.  However our processor informed us yesterday that HIS schedule has us bringing that first batch in on Wednesday November 6th, so we will plan on that and have them back in the farm store for customers to pickup by noon on Thursday, November 7th.  We are not taking orders for these frozen turkeys, they will be available for walk in customers. 

As noted last week, we have a great selection of organic Michigan apples and apple products in the store right now, including apple cider.  Local and organic produce includes carrots, potatoes, onions, butternut squash, spinach, shallots, garlic, pears, and beets.  
And lots of varieties of fresh mushrooms: Pioppinos, Pink oyster, Blue oysters, Lions mane, Shiitake, and Mini bellas.  We also just had another batch of sausage made from our pastured pork, in stock now is the chorizo, fresh kielbasa, jalapeno brats, regular brats, and bulk Italian sausage. 
We were happy to get some rain last night, hopefully more on the way.  Just a few of the Saturday afternoon farm tours left before winter, weather forecast tomorrow looks crisp with a sunny high of 57 degrees and the fall colors in full swing. Purchase your tour tickets online or in the farm store. 
We are also running short of bags in the store, please bring us your used plastic or paper shopping bags so we can recycle and keep them out of the landfills.
Cliff, Anna, and the Farm Team
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So sorry to hear that Tom has passed on. He was a fun person to work with on the farm, and he was always so diligent and especially committed to keeping things organized! I am sad to hear that he is gone.


Dear Cliff, Anna, and the Farm Team,

I was deeply saddened to hear about Tom Sanders’ passing. It sounds like he was a special person with a strong connection to the farm and a big heart. Please pass my heartfelt condolences to his family. May he rest in peace, and Godspeed to “Motorcycle Tom.” He will surely be missed by everyone who knew him.

Michael Karkalis

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